40.47308°N, 86.12829°W

Corrin Larson is a fine artist currently based in Indianapolis, but the city of Kokomo is where she is from. Growing up, Larson’s father worked at all four of Chrysler’s Kokomo plants over the course of 13 years. He ended his Chrysler career during the 2008 recession, right before Chrysler filed bankruptcy in ‘09. This was a pivotal moment in her life and for the thousands of workers who were left unemployed. 

In 2024, the remains of the Haynes-to-Chrysler Kokomo Casting Plant (KCP) are still there. Despite being unused for almost a decade, Larson and Toms* discovered the old KCP building last year and were inspired to return again and again. The bones of this building inspired our body of work over the last year. This place was almost immortalized as documents, manuals and notes were still legible after years of winters and rains and nearly untouched by vandalism. Larson’s affinity with the space stemmed from her own attraction to architecture left to the elements, almost as an homage to the life that once was. Though Larson has no history there herself, she still felt drawn to this place, to capture the beauty of the old factory before it inevitably gets torn down. The history of this structure is a small part of the history of this town, the ‘City of Firsts’. The history of Haynes-Apperson and the first car, to Chrysler being one of the major economic resources of the city. Perhaps this found piece of automotive history will one day be memorialized as the Haynes-Apperson Museum is. As of now, at the time when this work is displayed, the building exists like a shrine to the workers who once were.

Showcased at Kokomo Art Association July 2024

*Alexander Toms was the co-exhibitor in this show. His work is available to be seen at alexandertoms.com




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